This is the last week before the year ends. It is perfect time to reflect and look back on everything you have experienced,appreciated and achieved during the last 12 month.
All the little and big things in the past year were a part of your life.A yearly review is a good way to slow down and reminisce about your memorable moments.
The nineteen million people in and near New York City in 2004, to give one example, were drinking seven million quarts of milk a day from more than a million cows on fifty thousand farms, some of them hundreds of miles away. The price of a bottle of milk in the city is more than twice as much as the farmer gets for it. The milk must be kept clean and cold and put into bottles and taken to the stores and houses in the city. City governments see that milk is kept clean and has enough butterfat in it.
Some city-born children have never seen a cow and have to be taught where milk comes from.
Milk is the best food there is for babies. It is good for children and for older people too. It has in it fat, which gives energy, and it has the most important of the materials needed for building up our bodies. Milk makes strong bones and strong teeth too. It is good for a child to drink two or three glasses of it every day.
In addition, milk has in it most of the vitamins which are needed to keep us healthy. Vitamins are a discovery of the twentieth century. Two hundred years ago no one knew anything about them.
example: one of a number of things which are being talked about together. New York is an example of a city which must have food transported to it.
away: off, from that place
fat: the part of milk from which butter is made is butterfat. There are many sorts of fats.
never: not ever.
energy: power.
build: putting up a building is building it. We can build houses with wood and bodies with food.
drink: take in by mouth, take a drink.
know: have knowledge of.
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