bereavement(bereavement leave)
bereavement(bereavement leave)
1、bereavement_百度翻译 bereavement 英b#618#39rivm#601nt 美b#618#712rivm#601nt n 亲人丧亡,丧失亲人,丧亲之痛 例句One of his jobs is to visit schools and teach about berea。
3、bereavement 是陷入失落时的一种状态grief 是指一个人遭遇失落或被夺去心爱的人或物时所产生的一种悲哀愤怒和罪恶感的感觉更正确地说,你若没有被夺去或丧失你心爱的人时,你就不会有悲伤但是被夺去或丧失心。
4、Bereavement is often a time of great grief他很关心别人,因而大家都把他当作亲人He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative我为亲人遭遇不幸而悲痛,I grieve for the loss of my beloved。
5、bereavement leave 丧假殡丧假期 例句筛选 1Ever had someone encourage you to push out a great worker while they were onbereavement leave?有没有过这样的同事他们鼓励你出头而自己却闪到一边2They take a。
6、哀伤的意思悲痛,悲哀,悲伤,难过汉书·匡衡传“陛下秉至孝,哀伤思慕,不绝於心” 唐杜甫 成都府诗“自古有羁旅,我何苦哀伤” 明 谢榛 四溟诗话卷二“国朝 何仲默 亦遭壬申之乱,但过。
7、2I pray our heavenly father may assuage the anguish of yourbereavement and leave you only the cherished memory of theloved and lost我祈求仁慈的天父可以减轻您的痛苦,只留下您对已故亲人的珍贵回忆。
8、6疑病hypochondriasis由生离死别bereavement孤独或未被接受的攻击性冲动所产生的对别人的谴责,首先转变成自责,然后是诉说疼痛躯体疾病和神经衰弱 疑病是把别人的特点内射introjection到自己体内,并且因此引起了似乎可信的。
9、死亡阴影百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看 链接 提取码 wew8 死亡阴影是由斯蒂文·梅纳执导,Michael BiehnAlexandra DaddarioJohn Savage主演的美国恐怖电影。
10、她的英语herhers参考例句She longed to escape from the bonds of children and houseworkShe will be good with her她将会善待她, , 参考例句 ,She longed to escape from the bonds of children and。
11、感觉上属于自己的或应该有的东西被劫掠,尤其是信仰信念爱期待等精神方面的内容,往往是陡然而至迅疾充盈的负面心理感受万念俱灰哀痛欲绝整个人立即就要垮掉的样子摘转天涯问答 马香草 20091004 1252。
12、cover vacation, illness, appointments, emergencies, bereavement, or other needs that require time包括休假,生病,约会,紧急情况下,丧亲之痛,或需要其他需要时间 off from work起飞工作 PTO includes China labor。
13、True Nobility In a calm sea every man is a pilotBut all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all Take the lot of the happiestit is a tangled yarn Bereavements and。
15、IBM#39s wages and welfare projects The basic monthly salary is a fundamental value of staff,performance and contribution to the recognition Comprehensive subsidies to the staff of the basic needs of life supp。
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