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​Feature丨5800 “gravestones” in virtual cemetery

2024-10-21 02:35 来源:网络 点击:

Feature丨5800 “gravestones” in virtual cemetery

Death and Remembrance

On July 3, 2011, an account called "逝者如斯夫dead" (loosely translated to "the departed pass like a fleeting moment") was created on Weibo, a Chinese social media platform similar to Twitter. The blogger behind the account would post stories of the departed, received through submissions from internet users or publicly available information, in the form of "obituaries" for people to mourn and remember their loved ones. Over the course of 12 years, the account has posted over 5800 Weibo posts and was operated by three individuals.

The theme of "逝者如斯夫dead" is death and remembrance. On the account's page, among the people who have passed away, there are fathers, daughters, lovers, and friends, who have died from illnesses or accidents. The account provides a space for those left behind to honor and grieve their loved ones, as well as a platform to remember those whose stories might otherwise be forgotten.

In 2019, a netizen asked Li Bing (pseudonym), the then operator of the account, why he do this.

"To create a memorial for every ordinary person," Li Bing responded.

Against Forgetting

Founded by Lin Dongping, "逝者如斯夫dead" posted its first obituary on July 3, 2011, after the death of a well-known internet personality moved him, a then IT professional. The first post reads, "@Wu Zheng, former Vice Editor-in-Chief of IFeng.com and current COO of Baishitong, passed away suddenly from a heart attack yesterday at the age of 39."

Thereafter, Lin Dongping began to pay attention to the story of the deceased. Under Lin's management, the account gradually gained tens of thousands of followers.

After he passed on the account to Li Bing in 2017, Li Bing hoped to expand its impact. He created a new topic called "Overcoming Depression" to provide relevant knowledge and support for people suffering from depression.

In the summer of 2020, the account welcomed its third operator, Wu Ziyu.

For Wu, "Death is not the end of life; forgetting is." She believes that "逝者如斯夫dead" provides a place for the families of the departed to cherish their memories.

Beyond Time and Space

Wu Ziyu, its current operator, also runs an online memorial MiniApp called "Starry Sky of Memory". In this virtual space, people can light up a star to bid farewell and express their feelings to their deceased loved ones. The app has attracted tens of thousands of people who use it to express their feelings and grief.

For the future development of the MiniApp, Wu plans to introduce more new technologies such as ChatGPT and VR, allowing users to "communicate" with the deceased in a more realistic environment.

Each night before going to sleep, Zhu Jie (pseudonym), who is 28 years old, communicates with her deceased grandfather in "Starry Sky of Memory". She honors him by lighting a candle and presenting a flower on the MiniApp.

According to Professor Hu Yian from Guangzhou University, one of the first people in China to teach a course on "Death Education", "逝者如斯夫dead" offers an excellent way to educate people about death. It helps people realize the impermanence of life and cherish the present moment.

He believes that the "virtual cemetery" meets the needs of the times. As more and more people move away from their families and hometowns to seek work, this platform has become a substitute for physical graveyards, providing an opportunity to remember and mourn loved ones from any distance.















对于“思念星空”的未来发展,吴孜彧考虑引进更多的新技术,比如 ChatGPT、VR等,让用户在更拟真的环境中与逝者“交流”。



胡宜安说,“网络公墓”切合了时代的需要。在中国,越来越多人远离亲人与故土在外地谋生,这一超越时空的平台就起到了替代性的作用。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

文、图/羊城晚报全媒体记者 王隽杰翻译/刘佳慧

来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派

责编 | 戚美青

校对 | 赵丹丹